Saturday, April 20, 2013

Good News on TB Test!

Good news for today...Samuel's TB test was negative and we got his passport.  Now we've gotta wait around for the Consulate appointment and for his visa to be added to that passport. 

We had a long day of not doing much.  Samuel continues to grow and test.  He is like a little parrot, repeating so much.  I love the way he says Cackidee (Cassidy) and Courtmee (Courtney), but he doesn't really call them by name yet.  He just yells, "Hey!"  As far as using appropriate words, he says Baba (Daddy), hey, and thank you.  He volunteers kisses, they are like lipless mouth pops, but the sentiment is there.  This evening, he started using the sign for all done.  That was fun.  He gets those little boy impulses to throw things at his sister's head and such.  That's not working out great for him.  He's also learned that when he mimicks, even if he is being told no, that he can sometimes make us laugh.  Tonight at dinner, he wagged his finger back and said no.  It was too funny to keep a straight face. 

In some ways, little Samuel acts like a five year old.  In some ways, he acts older.  In some ways, he acts younger.  Samuel simply cannot stand for things to not be in their proper place.  After we finish eating, he wants the dishes all stacked.  All the shoes in the room have to be together.  He has reorganized the books and papers on the desk many times.  Trash has to be promptly thrown away.  I can tell he has learned to be a helper.   He is not socially where most 5 year olds are because he simply hasn't had the opportunity to learn.  He seems to catch on very quickly, so I am anxious to see where he will be as his English language skills improve and he is exposed to more situations.

Samuel has thought Courtney to be quite funny most days.  He was treating her like a naughty little brother today.  This picture was taken yesterday.
 This is also a pic from yesterday.  This is the view out of our hotel window.  This bit of blue sky as the sun was setting was the first we had seen in days.  I really can't tell half the time if we are seeing clouds or smog.  This is SUCH a huge city.

 ~ Martha

Quiet today.  Got out a couple of times, but not a lot of sightseeing to be done within walking distance of our hotel.  The schedule, however, picks up from here on out.  I think we're all at the point where we're pretty homesick, but we're avoiding talking about it.  I can report that we've had discussions on whether we'd eat Mexican food at Chimi's first, or steak at Outback when we get home.  Right now I'd guess it's fifty-fifty.

The girls are awesome!  They're so good with Samuel, even when he's being a little toot.  Courtney gets frustrated with him, but I can tell she also feels a certain level of responsibility for him as well.  The family dynamic is forming, and it's fun to watch it develop.  I just continue to pray that it develops in the manner the Lord would have it.

Hopefully more to talk about tomorrow.  Thank you to everyone for your kind words and support!

~ Matthew

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